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Writer's pictureYour IVF abroad

Work with me for £7.99, by Emma Haslam, Your IVF abroad

So what am I talking about when I say you can work with me for £7.99? Well I am very excited to tell you that I have been interviewed and featured in a book as the resident expert in fertility treatment abroad. How amazing is that? I am sooooo chuffed. And not just any book (total fan girl moment for me) The Big Fat Negative's book - An essential guide to infertility, IVF and trying for a baby, by Emma and Gaby from the BFN podcast, who I ADORE and I think you will too. I'm sure many of you will have heard of them, but if not they refer to themselves as "card carrying members of the infertility club" and their podcast is brilliant, informative and full of lols.

If you haven't listened to it already I was on an episode recently on where I talk all things fertility treatment abroad. Click the link below or search BFN podcast through our usual provider to have a listen

Back to the book! So it's all the stuff you need to know, wish you had known, other people's journeys and different experts giving you helpful information. I have given loads of hints and tips about treatment abroad to help you and if you pre-order the book now on Kindle it's £7.99, bargain and it's out on the 20th January. Just search 'Big Fat Negative Book' on Amazon.

It's the kind of book I wish had been out when I was trying to conceive and both Emma and Gaby are absolutely hilarious, so I know it will provide some light relief too and I can't wait to get my copy and not in a narcissistic kinda way because I am in it ha, but because I know it will be a great read.

The best thing for me about being in this book is that I can spread our message and mission further and tell people that fertility treatment can be in integrity, more affordable, accessible and supported and that going abroad is an option for people to consider.

Buy this book and I can help you for £7.99, or free if you want to listen to the podcast.

If you do get copy or listen to my podcast, please do let me know what you think in the comments below.

Love Emma xxx

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