This is one of the questions I get asked the most.
I get it. It can be really difficult to decide where to have fertility treatment, particularly if you are considering leaving your home comforts to have IVF treatment abroad. It can feel really scary.
So many questions will be going around your head…
Where do I start?
What’s the process of having fertility treatment abroad?
Will it be safe?
Where should I go?
Will they speak good English?
The list goes on and the questions in your head alone can make it feel totally overwhelming
I know this first hand as I felt EXACTLY the same when I started thinking about the option of treatment abroad and then again when I was looking for a clinic and then again when planning and having my treatment.
You see there wasn’t any help available then, so I had no choice but to muddle my way through feeling unsure, stressed and overwhelmed a lot of the time, which is not an approach I recommend for anyone.
Of course you need to do your research and due diligence before going abroad, but you can do this! If it feels too much you can get some specialist help, which will help manage your stress levels and overwhelm, answer all your questions and support you to make informed decisions that are right for you.
With more affordable, innovative and accessible testing and treatment, high standards of customer service, high success rates, (generally) no waiting lists and lots of destinations and clinics to choose from, IVF abroad is right for most people, so could be right for you too.
Still undecided? I have put together a free checklist for you to download to help you to decide.
Love Emma xxx (Co-founder Your IVF abroad Ltd).